Aspire Boxing

Combating CCE and CSE through Aspire Boxing - Boxing gave me a second chance.


In collaboration with Aspire Boxing Club, the Diamond You Projects successfully implemented a transformative workshop aimed at preventing Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) among young people. The program not only engaged these individuals in positive activities but also equipped them with essential life skills, instilled discipline, and empowered them to safeguard their futures. The involvement of Craig Pinkney, a leading expert in gang prevention and CCE, added significant value to the workshop and resonated well with the participants.

The Purpose:

The primary objective of the workshop was to address the prevalent issues of CCE and CSE, which often target vulnerable youth. By partnering with Aspire Boxing Club, we sought to provide a safe and empowering space for these young individuals, offering them opportunities to channel their energy positively, build self-confidence, and acquire essential life skills.

The Workshop Experience:

Throughout the duration of the program, the young participants actively engaged in various boxing exercises, under the guidance of professional coaches and trainers from Aspire Boxing Club. This physical activity not only improved their fitness but also served as a medium to learn discipline, teamwork, and focus. Beyond the boxing sessions, the workshop included interactive sessions and discussions facilitated by Craig Pinkney from Street Academics UK, a recognized specialist in gang prevention and CCE.

The Impact:

The positive response from the young participants was evident throughout the workshop. As they completed the program, a sense of accomplishment and joy enveloped the group. Many of them had never experienced such constructive engagement before, and their enthusiasm was palpable as they learned new skills and gained insights into safeguarding themselves from potential dangers.

Gift of Certification:

Upon successfully completing the workshop, each participant received a well-deserved certificate from DiamondYou Projects and Aspire Boxing Club. The certificates acknowledged their dedication and commitment to the program and served as a symbol of their newfound knowledge and skills.

Long-Term Benefits:

The impact of the workshop extended far beyond the duration of the program. By engaging in boxing and acquiring essential life skills, the young people were equipped with valuable tools to steer away from negative influences, such as gang involvement and criminal exploitation. The workshop fostered a sense of self-worth and empowerment, giving them the confidence to make positive life choices.


The partnership between DiamondYou Projects, Aspire Boxing Club, and Street Academics UK yielded an inspiring and effective workshop. By combining physical activities like boxing with expert guidance on CCE prevention, the program successfully empowered young people to resist negative influences and protect themselves. The joy and enthusiasm displayed by the participants throughout the program were a testament to its success. As we continue to work together, we hope to expand the impact and reach even more vulnerable youth, guiding them towards brighter and safer futures.